
'Star Wars Battlefront: Death Star' DLC release date news 2016: DLC now available for all 'Battlefront' owners

Non-season pass holders for "Star Wars Battlefront" had to wait awhile before they could get their hands on the "Death Star" downloadable content (DLC), but now it's available and they can join in on the Battle of Yavin.

Promotional image for the video game "Star Wars: Battlefront" | Facebook/Star Wars Games

The DLC is available for $15 and it allows players to traverse missions around the Empire's dreaded battle station, the Death Star. New heroes are available for each side of the war; the Empire has the use of the reptilian bounty hunter Bossk, while the rebels have use of Han Solo's lovable co-pilot Chewbacca.

Bossk has the special ability to regenerate while he kills more enemies as an allusion to his species' ability to grow back limbs when they are removed. He also has special thermal vision which lets him find enemies that are hiding. He also has the ability to drop a deadly bomb and use his reptilian reflexes to jump to safety.

As for Chewbacca, his powers make use of his Wookie strength. He has the ability to slam the ground and damage enemies surrounding him. He has his "Wookie Roar" that gives nearby allies and himself a short boost. His bowcaster gets more powerful the more enemies he takes down.

As for the space battle element, Rebels get to use Luke Skywalker's special Red 5 X-Wing while the Imperials get to control Darth Vader's one-of-a-kind TIE Advanced.

Interestingly enough, the "Death Star" DLC is the first expansion to bring actual space battles to the game. When "Battlefront" first came out, a lot of fans of the original games were disappointed to see that the space battles were sorely missing.

With the "Death Star" DLC out, fans can look forward to another expansion coming to the game in the holidays. "Scarif" will explore the jungle planet that will be featured in this year's upcoming "Star Wars" movie, "Rogue One."