
'Game of Thrones: Sons of Winter': Telltale Teases Screenshots, Details on Upcoming Game

Poster for 'Telltale Game of Thrones - Sons of Winter' episode | FACEBOOK/Official Telltale Game of Thrones page

Telltale has started teasing the forthcoming release of "Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series Episode 4 - 'Sons of Winter'" with screenshots and details about the game. As with previous episodes in the game series, action is going to focus on the surviving members of the Forrester's clan as they encounter some of the key players in Westeros.

There are parallels between the game and the events in the hit HBO show "Game of Thrones," with some of the cast even lending their voice to their characters in the game.

The screenshots from the upcoming "Sons of Winter" episode did not hint that any member of the Forrester clan would be placed in danger. But all this could change if the game follows the current dark and dreary tone prevalent in the TV series.

As for the details about the plot, they point towards the dispersed Forresters getting a chance to reassert their claim over Ironrath and free it from the Whitehills who have taken over.

In the upcoming episode, Rodrik will meet someone important who will give him an opportunity to meet with the head of House Whitehill at Highpoint. This meeting was also shown in a screenshot that was released. While no violence was seen, there is no guarantee that either Rodrik or his new found ally will be safe. It also appears that the fate of Ryon Forrester, who is being held prisoner, will be linked to the outcome of the episode.

At the Wall, Gared will travel beyond Castle Black and cross into Wildling territory as he searches for the North Grove. He could very likely come into contact with White Walkers.

Elsewhere in Westeros a death in the royal family has Mira on edge and she has to engage in some risky maneuvering and politics to remain alive.

In Essos, meanwhile, Asher will encounter Daenerys Targaryen and her Dragon Viserion. Daenerys will order him to go on a mission in the city of Meereen. Here, Asher will encounter Beskha and memories of their friendship could cause him to give up on his mission for Daenerys.