
Jeremy Lin news: Lin out with hamstring injury

An old photo of Jeremy Lin playing for the New York Knicks | Reuters/Mike Cassese

When the Brooklyn Nets signed Jeremy Lin, they envisioned him teaming up with Brook Lopez as they fight for a playoff spot. However, Lin has only played 12 games this season, and he has to stay healthy and get back to the court if he wants to build any chemistry with Lopez and his teammates.

His latest hamstring injury is yet another setback, but it's not as bad as it looks. Nets general manager, Sean Marks, told Newsday that the injury was in a different area and it wasn't as bad as the previous injury to his hamstring.

While it wasn't as severe, Marks noted that there was no timetable for his return because they don't want to pressure Lin into returning too soon after an injury. "We all know how competitive he is and misses the game immensely," he stated.

Right now, Isaiah Whitehead is starting as point guard for the Nets, but he played poorly against the Washington Wizards in their last game. Lin shouldn't be out long, but the team will need him back soon if they want to stay competitive.

Lin is a good player on the court, but he also does good things off the court. NBC News has reported that the Nets guard has joined President Obama and a handful of other celebrities in sharing their experiences on Rukus Avenue's anti-bullying album.

On the album, Lin talked about a time when he was called a racial slur while he was still playing at Harvard.

"I was playing basketball and it was a big game for the Ivy League, and in the middle of the game, I remember the other team calling me a chink. I remember at the time I was getting really upset and it took me out of my game and we ended up losing by a lot and I remember in that instance, I allowed their negative energy to really spiral me out of control," Lin stated.