
Pat Robertson commands Hurricane Florence do no damage as it hurtles towards east coast

Hurricane Florence | (ABC 11 News screengrab)

Pat Robertson has commanded the incoming Hurricane Florence to stay away from the east coast region.

Robertson, who founded Regent University in Virginia who and is also the chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network and host of "The 700 Club," spoke on Monday at CBN's special Week of Prayer service, where he reminded the audience that Jesus commanded the sea and the waves at the sea of Galilee to be still.

Speaking of Florence, the category 4 hurricane that is expected to make landfall and cause devastating damage in the Carolinas and Virginia starting Thursday, the evangelist asked the faithful to believe in God.

"I don't want that thing to come in," the preacher said of the storm.

"I don't want it to hurt Regent, I don't wait it to hurt CBN, I don't want it to tear up the beautiful campus, I don't want it to tear these trees down, I don't want to see any damage, I don't want a bunch of glass flowing," or damage to the area, he added.

He asked people at the service to raise their hands toward the Atlantic.

"We declare in the name of the Lord that you shall go no farther, you shall do no damage in this area," Robertson said.

"In the name of Jesus — Hurricane Florence, we speak to you and we command the storm to cease its forward motion and go harmlessly into the Atlantic. Go up north away from land and veer off, in the name of Jesus. We declare a shield of protection all over Tidewater and we declare a shield of protection over those innocent people in the path of this hurricane. In Jesus' holy name, be out to sea!" he called.

Robertson said that hurricanes of past years have been diverted from Virginia thanks to prayers, and said that the same can be done with Florence as well.

"I believe it in all my heart, that if we don't doubt, this hurricane will be dispelled," he proclaimed.

Operation Blessing International, a humanitarian organization founded by Robertson, has meanwhile shared its readiness to respond to the storm.

"As #HurricaneFlorence approaches the East Coast, Operation Blessing teams are preparing to respond. Please pray for everyone in the path of this powerful storm," the group posted on Twitter on Tuesday.

Some analysts, such as real estate data provider CoreLogic, have warned that close to 759,000 homes are in the path of the hurricane, with Florence estimated to inflict more than $170 billion in damage.

Other Christian relief groups, such as North Carolina Baptists on Mission, which handles disaster relief for the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, have also spoken of their readiness to act.

"We haven't had a Category 4 hit North Carolina since Hurricane Hazel, 50 years ago," said Richard Brunson, executive director of NAMB.

"It just depends where it comes in, but it's a very powerful hurricane that could be devastating, catastrophic. Those are the words they're using to describe Hurricane Florence."

Brunson added: "God has given us some quality resources with our volunteers and our equipment. We want to glorify God with all that we have. We also have great partners in other states and if the storm comes in as big as they say it will, those partners through the nationwide Southern Baptist network will come to help. That's a real assurance."

This article was published in The Christian Post and is re-published here with permission