'One Piece' Chapter 857, 858 spoilers: Luffy forms alliance with Bege to defeat Big Mom and rescue Sanji

Chapters 857 and 858 continue the Whole Cake Island story arc, and it looks like Luffy and the Straw Hats may be heading for a bloodbath.
In Chapter 857, Luffy and Sanji will finally reunite. However, the latter refused to go with the former because his family was kidnapped by Big Mom and held as hostages to force him to marry Lady Pudding, one of her daughters.
Upon hearing this, the Straw Hats will then come up with a plan to try and rescue his family. Meanwhile, Luffy learns that Sanji's wedding is merely a ploy devised by Big Mom in order to get the Vinsmokes together so that she can kill all of them and take ownership of Germa. Jinbe then develops a plan to countermand this. He tells Luffy to form an alliance with Capone "Gang" Bege, a dangerous and bloodthirsty member of Big Mom's crew who is in charge of security for the wedding.
Unfortunately, Luffy finds out that Bege is not just an ordinary lackey. Instead, he has an agenda of his own, and he will stop at nothing to get things his way. Despite not trusting him, Luffy, with inputs from Jinbe, recognized that he might be his best chance to fight against Big Mom. Bege's ambition to overtake Big Mom's influence can be used by Luffy to make him agree to a temporary alliance.
Chapter 858 will continue where the previous one left off and will see the unlikely and unstable alliance between Luffy and Bege come intro fruition. However, the Straw Hats do not trust the former, especially when they found out that he tried to drown Pekoms. Furthermore, Luffy and Bege's partnership will have to be kept in secret because the upcoming wedding will mean the appearance of several warriors.
The two may also form an alliance with the Vinsmokes, given that Big Mom openly declared that she wants to annihilate them. Alternatively, the other Straw Hat pirates may be able to come to the rescue of Luffy and Sanji, as the former can still communicate with them despite being stranded on the island. Either case may bring a major bloodbath during the wedding.
Chapter 857 of "One Piece" is scheduled for release on March 6, while 858 will be launched the following week. The manga is published by Shueisha in Japan and Viz Media in the USA.