New archaeological discovery confirms existence of Biblical city linked to King David, experts say

A large building discovered by archaeologists below the hills of Hebron, near Jerusalem, is believed to be part of an ancient settlement that has been linked to the Biblical King David.
Professor Avraham Faust, co-head of the archaeological dig, believes that the latest find confirms that the Bible is accurate, noting that it is a "part of the events in the Bible ascribed to the Kingdom of David."
Scholars have identified the city where the building was found as the Biblical city of Eglon, which is chronicled in the Bible as a part of a coalition that fought against the Israelites and was later listed as part of the tribe of Judah.
The archaeologists initially did not know what is hidden beneath the ground, but with the help of burrowing mole rats, they were able to sift through the soil brought to the surface by the rodents and find some clues as to what buried below.
Using radiocarbon dates of samples from the site, the experts have dated the building to the 10th century B.C., during the time of King David's rule, as recorded in the Bible.
"Until 25 years ago no one doubted that King David was a historical figure," Faust told Breaking Israel News.
"In the last 25 years or so, however, David's historicity, and especially the size of his kingdom, are hotly debated. The new discovery at Tel 'Eton, located in the Judean Shephelah to the east of the Hebron hills, seems to suggest that the highland kingdom controlled larger areas than some scholars believe," he added.
Faust clarified that there were no artifacts with the inscription of King David's name, but he argued that there are some signs of "social transformation" that can be linked to the time when the Biblical King was supposed to have existed.
"[T]he changes are consistent with larger regional changes, all connected with the highlands, and all taking place at a time the Kingdom of David was supposed to have to spread into this region," Faust told Breaking Israel News.
Several fortifications were found at the site during the early stages of excavations, suggesting that it was a significant area.
Many of the buildings found at the location dated to the eighth century B.C., a couple of centuries after the reign of King David, but further examinations revealed that the site was much older.
The latest discovery at the site was a well-constructed structure at the top of tel or an artificial mound, indicating that the location served as a regional administrative center.
The researchers also found a pottery bowl that is believed to be used in a ceremony asking God for protection of the building. The discovery of the artifact led the experts to believe that the building dated to the building to Canaanite Bronze Age and early Iron Age, and to the 10th century B.C. at the latest.