Mass. High School Asks Students to Reconsider 'American Pride' Dance Theme

Local residents line the street as the funeral procession for Marine Lance Cpl. Walter O'Haire passes in Rockland, Massachusetts May 15, 2007. O'Haire was killed May 9 while on duty in Iraq. | (Photo: Reuters/Brian Snyder)

A Massachusetts high school is receiving national media coverage after it asked students to change the theme of their "American pride" dance to be more inclusive.

School officials at Lexington High School in Lexington, Mass. reportedly asked students to tweak the theme of their upcoming school dance from "American pride" to "national pride" so students from all nationalities would be included.

The school's dance committee had previously voted by a majority to have an "American pride" theme at their next school dance.

"Given the diverse demography of our community it was suggested by the advisers that the students come maybe national pride theme so they could represent their individual nationalities," Assistant Superintendent Carol Pilarski told the local WHDH-TV news station.

Some students from Lexington High School have voiced their disagreement with the officials' decision, with student Ethan Embry arguing that the officials' decision showed a "hypersensitivity to political correctness."

Laura Lasa, principal of Lexington High School, told Fox News that the dance is still planned to take place on April 10, and that officials were simply trying to discuss the importance of inclusivity with students when they suggested a "national pride" themed dance.

"We were in a conversation with the kids about how the theme would be presented so that we could make sure that it was inclusive to all students," Lasa said, adding "[the students] took that as being told they could not."

"We want to make sure kids do not feel they can't go to a dance because of whatever the theme is," she said.