
Liberal pastors declare late-term abortion clinic in DC as 'holy space'

A protester holds up a sign in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. | Reuters/Kevin Lamarque

Pastors from liberal denominations have blessed a late-term abortion clinic in Washington D.C. earlier this week, declaring the facility as a "holy space" and claiming that the abortionists are carrying out God's glory.

Four Christian pastors and a rabbi reportedly blessed the new facility run by LeRoy Carhart in Bethesda Maryland, which is operating under the name Abortion Clinics.org, Inc.

"God of grace and God of glory, in whom we move and live," the Rev. Carlton Veazey, a minister in the National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., said when blessing the clinic on Monday.

"Keep them safe and keep them strong. And may they always know that all that they do is for Thy glory," he added, referring to the doctors and staff working at the facility.

According to The Washington Post, the four pastors and the rabbi were supposed to be joined by a Hindu priest who did not make it to the ceremony.

Rev. Cari Jackson, an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, recounted that the clergy had sprinkled water in every room in the clinic, as well as the parking lot, as a "symbol of sanctification."

Carhart has contended that his decision to perform abortions in the 30th week of pregnancy and beyond is "religious," adding that it is how he lives out his faith. He noted that many of patients ask him if they would be forgiven by God as they wait to undergo abortions.

The clergy's actions have been denounced by some pro-life Christian leaders, such as Father Frank Pavone, who serves as the National Director of Priests for Life and also the President of the National Pro-Life Religious Council (NPRC).

"The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, as we have pointed out in the book 'Holy Abortion?' (commissioned by the NPRC), is far out of the mainstream of America and the Church," the priest told Life Site News.

"Most who identify themselves as 'pro-choice' would be abhorred by what Carhart and other late term abortionists do," he added.

Carhart, who is based in Nevada, has been involved in several botched abortions and medical malpractice cases throughout his career.

In February 2013, Jennifer Morbelli, a 29-year-old substitute teacher from Westchester County, New York, had died after Carhart aborted her 33-week-old baby in Maryland. Another woman named Christin Gilbert, who has Down Syndrome, died in 2005 following a botched third-trimester abortion.

Former employees at Carhart's Nebraska clinic have previously revealed that the abortion doctor had instructed them to insert IV needles and give intravenous medication to patients even though they were not registered nurses or certified licensed practical nurses.

A series of undercover calls to abortion facilities conducted by Priests for Life has shown how easy it is to obtain late-term abortions at such clinics.

"Women can call certain abortion clinics and say they are 30 weeks pregnant, fully healthy, and carrying a healthy baby, and still get an appointment to have that baby killed. For clergy to say that is OK qualifies them as false prophets," Pavone said.