
GeForce GTX 1080 Ti vs. AMD Vega GPU specs review: Which flagship GPU will dominate this year?

AMD and Nvidia are set to duke it out with their flagship Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) releases for 2017.

A promotional image for the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti | Facebook/NvidiaGeForce

The Nvidia GeForce 1080 Ti has been labeled as the "Titan X Killer," and with good reason, as it is able to outperform its predecessor even in terms of gaming performance. It comes with an 11GB RAM and clocks in at 1850 MHz in its real-life performance. It also boasts of a higher boost clock and memory bandwidth compared to the Titan X, with its 484GB bandwidth and 352-bit memory bus. It has also been proven to load over 70 frames per second on average using DirectX 12, although games with heavy graphics can slow it down to about 50 to 60 fps. Its high-end specs have led to some considering this as the best in the market to date.

However, the AMD Vega, otherwise known as RX Vega, might just give the Nvidia product a run for its money. Its specifications have not been revealed yet. However, it is generating buzz, with even gaming company Bethesda considering partnering with AMD to maximize the functionality of their Vega and Ryzen lines.

The Vega GPUs will do away with the GDDR5 memory, and instead, they will use a brand-new technology called High-Bandwidth Memory (HBM2), which is being marketed by AMD as having 50 percent smaller footprint. Another new technology that will be introduced in Vega is the Pixel engine, which can handle graphics with minimal effort. It will have 4096 steam processors, with 14nm GloFo/Samsung process nodes. Its release date has also been kept secret so far, although rumors are pegging its launch between April and July.

GeForce GTX 1080 Ti is priced at $699. The price of Vega GPU has not been revealed yet, but it is likely that it will be available at a lower price compared to the Nvidia model, following the pricing scheme of AMD.