'Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2' latest updates: Third DLC pack to include 'Future Trunks' saga

Bandai Namco recently confirmed that the third downloadable content (DLC) pack of "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" will feature the "Future Trunks" saga from the anime and manga series. This announcement was made at the end of the trailer of the second DLC pack for the game.
Future Trunks was introduced in the anime and manga as a time traveler who managed to defeat both Frieza and King Cold. He came from a timeline when Goku and most of his friends were dead, and where androids ruled the world.
While no news has been revealed other than the announcement that the "Future Trunks" saga will figure prominently in the third DLC pack, players are speculating that new characters will once again be introduced in this update. Zamasu, Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black, and SSGS Vegito have all been announced to be included in "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2," but they have yet to make an in-game appearance, which is why some fans believe that they will be added in the third DLC pack.
The second DLC pack, which was released on Feb. 28, featured the Universe 6 saga of "Dragon Ball Super." Aside from two new playable characters — Champa and Vados — the update also included three new costumes and one new vehicle (Super Saiyan Space Pod), which will allow players to travel to the city of Conton. Eight attacks (God of Destruction's Menace, God of Destruction's Roar, Destruction's Concerto: Comet, Destruction's Concerto: Starfall, Destruction's Concerto: Meteor, Destruction's Conductor, Requiem of Destruction, and Sonic Bomb) were also added. The DLC also came with five Super Souls and two Emotes. The total costs $9.99.
Free updates were also released at the same time as the second DLC pack. It is inclusive of new content: five costumes, three accessories, five attacks (focus flash, jumping energy wave, menacing flare, tail slicer, and wild hunt), and two Expert Missions (Broly and Janemba). It also included a new option to change the BGM in battles and introduced a new set of world tournament rules. The level cap of time patrollers has also been increased to 90.
"Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" was free to play from March 3 to 5 for Xbox Live Gold members.