
Christians block witches' hex against Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh with prayers

U.S. President Donald Trump delivers remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, U.S. February 8, 2018. | REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Dozens of Christians protested Saturday's public hex of Donald Trump and Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in New York, with Catholic exorcists condemning the witches.

Only about 60 people of the over 1,300 that planned to attend showed up at the public hexing, the New York Post reported, while a dozen Christians protested outside the Brooklyn witch shop where the event took place.

"We're praying against their hexes," one believer said.

Catland Books, which organized the hexing, live streamed the event online, describing it as "an act of resistance and resilience."

Dakota Bracciale, co-owner of Catland Books, told BBC News that the goal of the hex, which included candles and photo representations of Trump, Kavanaugh, and GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is "aimed at exposing Brett Kavanaugh for what he truly is, to cause him harm and see him undone."

The organizers added that they expect to see results from the hex "as soon as possible."

"There's not a firm timeline on these things," they added.

Kavanaugh was accused by California professor Christine Ford of attempted rape in the 1980s. Other women have also accused him of other forms of sexual misconduct. He has denied all the accusations.

Trump, along with the majority of Republican senators, decided to stand by Kavanaugh and successfully see him confirmed to the Supreme Court.

Bracciale said that Catland Books has experienced "a pretty severe amount of backlash in the form of hate mail and death threats" due to the ritual.

Bracciale insisted that previous hexes placed on Trump have proven to be successful, however, stating:

"We feel the rituals were a success as they sought to expose Trump for what he is, and that has happened on many levels; from the Russia probe to the exposé on his finances to Stormy Daniels (the porn actress who says she had a sexual affair with Trump in 2006)."

Defending the rituals, she aruged that witchcraft "has always been practiced by the most downtrodden, disenfranchised and oppressed peoples who have used it as a tool for survival... to be the arbiter of their own justice since it would be denied by the powers that be."

Father Gary Thomas, a Roman Catholic exorcist for the Diocese of San Jose, California, said in an article for The National Catholic Register that priests have offered prayers for Kavanaugh in response to the hex, warning that witchcraft is a serious threat.

"I'm appalled," Thomas said about the hex.

"I sent this to a load of exorcists yesterday and their reaction was similar to mine. That shows this is not something that is make believe," he added.

The exorcist said he has seen people in the satanic world grow bolder in the past decade or so.

"They are more confident that the general public will be more accepting of the demonic," he claimed.

"This is a conjuring of evil — not about free speech," Thomas continued. "Conjuring up personified evil does not fall under free speech. Satanic cults often commit crimes; they murder and sexually abuse everyone it their cult."

The exorcist argued that curses placed on people in a state of grace do not have much effect, though in other cases he has seen people afflicted with physical illness, psychosis, depression, and what he said was demons attached to them.

"The decision to do this against a Supreme Court justice is a heinous act and says a lot about the character of these people that should not be underestimated or dismissed," the priest said. "These are real evil people."

Courtesy of The Christian Post