CBN founder Pat Robertson expected to recover after embolic stroke

Pat Robertson, the chairman and founder of Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), sustained an embolic stroke on Friday but is expected to make a full recovery after receiving emergency treatment.
According to CBN News, Robertson was rushed to the nearest stroke center at 12 noon on Friday after a family member recognized the onset of symptoms. A neurologist/stroke specialist immediately ordered a CT scan to determine the cause of the stroke and the location of the clot.
The clot-busting drug tPA was administered to Robertson approximately 80 minutes after the onset of symptoms, and he was awake and responsive within minutes. The neurologist reportedly said that the rapid recovery was a "tPA miracle."
CBN News noted that Robertson is now alert, awake and expected to make full recovery, and he has since been discharged from the hospital and is now recovering at home.
"We encourage everyone to be aware of the symptoms of stroke and also be aware of the location of the nearest stroke center," said Gordon Robertson, the son of the former Southern Baptist minister and also the CEO of CBN.
"Stroke kills over 140,000 people in the USA every year and is the leading cause of serious long-term disability. Awareness of the onset of symptoms and then rapid treatment is the key to recovery. We cannot express our thanks enough to the medical team that treated my father," he added.
Robertson, who hosts CBN's flagship show "The 700 Club," had experienced another major health scare in August 2017 when he was hospitalized after falling while horseback riding. CBN noted that horseback riding is one of his passions and that he still enjoys riding on a regular basis at the age of 87.
Despite his advancing age, Robertson has remained highly active in Christian and political circles, and in July, he conducted an interview with U.S. President Donald Trump, asking him about the investigations that he won the election with the help of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
"Why would he want me? Because from day one I wanted a strong military, he doesn't want to see that, and from day one, I want fracking and everything else to get energy prices low," the president said in response.
The former minister has made several controversial remarks in the past, including a claim that the 2010 earthquake in Haiti was a result of God's judgment.
Apart from CBN, Robertson has also founded several other organizations including Regent University in Virginia Beach, and the American Center for Law and Justice.
CBN has also launched several sister ministries including Operation Blessing and Orphan's Promise, and the network has recently partnered with others to help the African Mission Healthcare Foundation, which is a major outreach to help save countless lives in Africa.