
'Jurassic World' 2 news: New director J.A. Bayona promises 'darker and scarier' sequel

A screen capture from "Jurassic World" | YouTube/Universal Pictures

Making a follow-up to a mega hit such as "Jurassic World" will be quite a challenge for its creators. A sequel is now in the works and fans will surely be looking for something more. Its new director promises that the sequel will be "darker and scarier," even comparing it to "Empire Strikes Back."

Director Colin Trevorrow will no longer be the one handling "Jurassic World" 2 since he is already committed to work on "Star Wars: Episode IX." However, he will be co-writing the sequel and co-producing it with Steven Spielberg. They are bringing in director Juan Antonio Bayona, known for "The Orphanage" and "A Monster Calls," to have his take on the highly anticipated sequel.

In an interview with Jurassic Outpost, Trevorrow said, "I don't think that bigger, better dinosaurs or bigger, more epic-in-scope action sequences are what people are necessarily looking for from this franchise and what they love about it."

"It will be more suspenseful and scary. It's just the way it's designed; it's the way the story plays out. I knew I wanted (J.A.) Bayona to direct it long before anyone ever heard that was a possibility, so the whole thing was just built around his skill set," he added.

Meanwhile, the sequel's new director, Bayona, has begun talking about the film at length in interviews, describing it as "darker and scarier" than the first installment. During Bayona's promotional interview for his latest film "A Monster Calls," he discussed his vision for the "Jurassic World 2."

"Obviously when you have Chris Pratt it will also be very funny. But it will be darker. It is a second step in a trilogy, and the second step is always dark as in 'The Empire Strikes Back' or the 'Wrath of Khan' which are the examples you always get," the director said, according to Spanish publication Noticiasrcn, as reported by Scified.

Chris Pratt will be back to reprise his role as trainer Owen Grady as well as Bryce Dallas Howard as former park chief Claire Dearing.

The second installment to the dinosaur franchise will open on cinemas June 22, 2018. However, U.K. fans are in for an earlier treat as the film will premiere in their region on June 7, 2018 in their region.